[Tex/LaTex] How to put a wide figure on the top of the first page of a two-column paper


I'd like my academic paper to have a page-width-spanning figure right underneath the title. How do I do this? Whenever I try using \begin{figure*}...\end{figure*} with the figure at the start of my paper, it always pushes it to the second page, no matter what combination of h, t, ! arguments I put.

To be clear, I want something like this: figure span to one column on double column page

but I want my figure to be at the top of the FIRST page underneath the title. Does anyone have a minimum working example?

My document begins like this:


Best Answer

You may (mis)use the title field and insert a picture. To insert a caption, I used the \captionof from caption package as a floating figure there makes me uncomfortable!


\title[The title]{%
The Title\\[1em]
\captionof{figure}{This is a figure}
\author{The Author}





enter image description here

To avoid trouble with headers or bookmarks use

 \title[The Title]{The Title\\[1em] 
  \captionof{figure}{This is a figure}

as suggested by Gonzalo.