Multiple figures span to one column on IEEE 2 column format


I am just following this figure span to one column on double column page to span figures on a two-column page but the difference instead of pasting one figure I need to put two and three figures here.

This is code for pasting a figure by spanning two columns

\section{First section}
\section{Second section}
  \caption{This is a figure caption}
\section{Last section}

I want to this same but instead of one figure I want to put two and three figures. I tried this but it's not working. Can any one help?

  \caption{This is a figure caption}
  \caption{This is a figure caption}

see figure for clear requirements.
enter image description here

please try to help instead of passing comments that it's already been answered. The existing one didn't help me that's why I posted this.

Best Answer

I propose this solution, based on the floatrow package:



\section{First section}

\section{Second section}

  \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\caption{Ralph Steadman. Illustrations for \emph{Alice in Wonderland}}\label{Alice-Ralph}}{\includegraphics[scale=0.4]{AliceSteadman}}
\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\caption{Yuri Norstein. \emph{Hedgehog in the fog}}\label{Hedgehog}}{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Hedgehog-in-the-fog}}\hskip4em
\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\caption{Max Ernst. \emph{Euclid}}\label{Ernst}}{\includegraphics{Euclid}}

\section{Last section}


enter image description here