[Tex/LaTex] How to put a figure* before the abstract


I'm sadly not using double-column abstract, just single-column. This is based on the sigchi document class: https://code.google.com/p/sigchi-latex/

The obvious thing:

\title{My awesome paper}
\caption{Some stuff about the teaser}
\begin{abstract}Talking some more.\end{abstract}

Does not seem to work. What is the correct way to do this?

Note that Place a two-column picture under the author affiliation and above abstract is not exactly what I want: I need a caption for my figure, still.

So I've tried also

\title{My awesome paper}
\let\@oldmaketitle\@maketitle% Store \@maketitle
\renewcommand{\@maketitle}{\@oldmaketitle% Update \@maketitle to insert...
    {figures/teaser.png}\bigskip}% ... an image
\captionof{figure}{Some fun facts about my image.}


So that my figure shows up, however my caption does not show up below it; just on the second page…?

Best Answer

You were almost there with the \@maketitle redefinition:

enter image description here




\captionof{figure}{Some stuff about the teaser}
\title{My awesome paper}

\begin{abstract}Talking some more.\end{abstract}