[Tex/LaTex] How to properly typeset a rolling r


To my greatest surprise, LaTeX does not provide any means to properly typeset rolling r's. (OK, neither Word nor pages do any better, but this is hardly a valid criterion.) I am talking here about the forward rolling r as it is spoken in some parts of Italy and the backward rolling r which one can find in parts of Bavaria. It is possible to produce something semi-reasonable with TikZ,

enter image description here


\newcommand{\FadingQuarterArrowOne}[2][]{% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/409185/121799
  \begin{scope}[transform canvas={rotate=#2},#1]
    \shade [gray,path fading=south]
      (-40:1) -- (-40:1.2) arc (-40:40:1.2 and 1.2) --
      (40:1.2) -- (40:1.3) --
      (45:1.1) -- (40:0.9) -- (40:1) arc (40:-40:1 and 1);

  \begin{scope}[transform canvas={rotate=#2},#1]
    \shade [gray, shading angle=180, path fading=north]
      (40:1) -- (40:1.2) arc (40:-40:1.2 and 1.2) --
      (-40:1.2) -- (-40:1.3) --
      (-45:1.1) -- (-40:0.9) -- (-40:1) arc (-40:40:1 and 1);






il p\forwardrollingr imo d'ap\forwardrollingr ile

\forwardrollingR isotto

Mu\backwardrollingr meltie\backwardrollingr

\backwardrollingR echenkopf

but this appears to be a lot of effort to produce such common characters.

QUESTION: Is there a simpler way to make this work?

ADDENDUM: @cfr kindly informed me that Welsh also roll the r. (But how should a poor marmot know that, there are no marmots in Wales.) So I can only guess how people there roll their r.



cute fu\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(b.base),inner sep=0pt]
\end{tikzpicture}y \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(b.base),inner sep=0pt]

enter image description here

Best Answer

How about some more motion?




\foreach \i in {10,20,...,360} {
    il p\rotateletter{-\i}{r}imo d'ap\rotateletter{-\i}{r}ile





enter image description here