Properly Typeset a Set of Nonclosed Quotations


I would like to properly typeset (with csquotes, if possible) the nonclosed red quotations produced by the following code:


\parskip 10pt

\textbf{\color{red}{`` \hskip -3pt ` \hskip -3pt ``My friend,'' he asked, ``how may I properly typeset (i.e., without the negative hskips) the two sets of quotations in red?''}}

\vskip 5pt

\textbf{\color{red}{`` \hskip -3pt ` \hskip -3pt ``This is the second of the two sets.''}}

\vskip 5pt

\textbf{\enquote{\enquote{This nested and closed set of quotations is however, properly typeset, I think.}}}

enter image description here

I have not been able to properly typeset the red sets of quotations with csquotes as they are not closed—so I forced it with some \hskips to give an idea of how I would like the output to look like. The last set of quotations (in black), I believe, are properly typeset.

If someone would show me how the quotations in red may be properly typeset without forcing, I would appreciate it.

Best Answer

UPDATE Adding some inner space.

Define a new style like

%% *********************************************** added
%%  Some horizontal spacing
\newcommand{\innerspace}{\hskip0.3em}  % set inner spaces in em units

{{\textquotedblleft\innerspace\textquoteleft\innerspace}}  %opening outer mark
{} %closing outer mark
{\textquotedblleft}     %opening inner mark
{\textquotedblright}    %closing inner mark

%% ***********************************************

Use the command \innerspace to set the inner space between the quotes: \hskip<len>. (Use em units!)



% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % only if using  pdflatex

%% *********************************************** added
%%  Some horizontal spacing
\newcommand{\innerspace}{\hskip0.3em}  % set inner spaces in em units   

{{\textquotedblleft\innerspace\textquoteleft\innerspace}}  %opening outer mark
{} %closing outer mark
{\textquotedblleft}     %opening inner mark
{\textquotedblright}    %closing inner mark

%% ***********************************************

\parskip 10pt

\textbf{\enquote{\enquote{This nested and closed set of quotations is however, properly typeset, I think.}}}

{{`` \hskip -3pt ` \hskip -3pt ``My friend,'' he asked, ``how may I properly typeset (i.e., without the negative hskips) the two sets of quotations in red?''}}

\vskip 5pt

{{`` \hskip -3pt ` \hskip -3pt ``This is the second of the two sets.''}}

{\bfseries\large With the new quote style}

\setquotestyle[noclosed]{dblquote} % use the new style <<<<
    \enquote{My friend,} he asked, \enquote{how may I properly typeset (i.e., without the negative hskips) the two sets of quotations in red?}

\enquote{This is the second of the two sets.}
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