[Tex/LaTex] How to properly include tikz pictures in other tex files


I figured out a strange behavior of my Latex document and can't explain it. The following code illustrates that. I have text and want to illustrate it with a complex tikz picture, which I shifted to another file because it needs very much space. Now if I create a pdf out of it I get three pages even though all contents fit to one page. I can't explain why that happens. Does anybody of you know?

Main File:

\tikzset{area/.style = {draw, shape = regular polygon, regular polygon sides = 6, thick, minimum width = 5cm}}



Simplified tikz file:

\node [area] at (0,0) (cell1) {};

If I include the tikz picture into the main file I get the one-sided pdf I want to have. But due to the fact that the picture is very extensive it would lead to a very confusing long document, because I have several pictures I want to include in that way and always the same happens.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best Answer

So, the answer should simply be: Change \include to \input.

\tikzset{area/.style = {draw, shape = regular polygon, regular polygon sides = 6, thick, minimum width = 5cm}}

\input{tikzcode} % that does not insert page breaks
