[Tex/LaTex] How to print bibliography using biblatex just as enuemeration using keywords


I am using biblatex to print some of my papers in a section called Publications where this section produced by the following command should not be considered as section.

\printbibliography[title=Publications, keyword=mypub,heading=bibnumbered,resetnumbers=true]

This section is just to show that these are my publications.

I have turned on defernumbers = true in


I have a separate chapter as reference where I want all the references to be appear whichever I have cited in the document (including some of my papers). Numbering should be [1], [2],...

But I dont know why the below behavior.

enter image description here




  Title                    = {title of the paper},
  Author                   = {Author A},
  Journal                  = {Bulletin of something},
  Year                     = {2018},
  Note                     = {(Communicated)},
  Keywords                 = {mypub}

            author    =   {AuthorB, Someone},
            title     =   {Some Great Title},
            journal   =   {Best Journal},
            year      =   3019,
            pages     =   {32--39},
            volume    =   3,
            keyword     = {mypublication},
            number    =   4


Here is some text with a citation \cite{ref1}. 

Here is some more text using the old key \cite{mypub1}.

\printbibliography[title=Publications, keyword=mypub,heading=bibnumbered,resetnumbers=true]

\printbibliography[title=References, heading=bibnumbered,resetnumbers=true]


Best Answer

It is probably easiest to have your list of publications in a separate refsection. That refsection is completely independent of the rest of your document and uses a different numbering than the rest of your document. To avoid confusion you may want to change the format of the label in the bibliography.



  Title    = {title of the paper},
  Author   = {Author A},
  Journal  = {Bulletin of something},
  Year     = {2018},
  Note     = {(Communicated)},
  Keywords = {mypub}

  author    =   {AuthorB, Someone},
  title     =   {Some Great Title},
  journal   =   {Best Journal},
  year      =   2019,
  pages     =   {32--39},
  volume    =   3,
  keyword     = {mypublication},
  number    =   4,

Here is some text with a citation \cite{ref1}. 

Here is some more text using the old key \cite{mypub1}.

\printbibliography[title=Publications, keyword=mypub,heading=bibnumbered]

\printbibliography[title=References, heading=bibnumbered]

enter image description here

Since you are using the legacy BibTeX backend you'll have to do more compilation steps than usual if you use refsections. With BibTeX you have to run BibTeX for each used section. I absolutely recommend switching over to Biber, where all of this is handled automatically (replace backend=bibtex with backend=biber and run Biber, see Biblatex with Biber: Configuring my editor to avoid undefined citations).

If you insist on using BibTeX instead of the usual LaTeX, BibTeX, LaTeX, LaTeX run you will have to do (assuming your .tex file is called test.tex)

pdflatex test
bibtex test
bibtex test1-blx
pdflatex test
pdflatex test

So you need and extra BibTeX-run on test1-blx. All of this is mentioned in the .log file.