[Tex/LaTex] How to paint the circular sector


Using Tikz, I want to paint the circular sector (with RADIUS 2), but he paints only a triangle:

\documentclass[fullpage, 12pt]{ article}
\draw[fill=gray!40] (0,0) to (1.41,-1.41) to (1.41,1.41) to (0,0) arc;
\draw[ultra thick] 
    (0,0) circle [radius=2];

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Best Answer

If you change your first line to

\draw[fill=gray!40] (0,0) -- +(45:2) arc (45:-45:2);

it works. And you don't need color package because TikZ inherently uses xcolor anyways.

\draw[fill=gray!40] (0,0) -- +(45:2) arc (45:-45:2);
\draw[ultra thick] 
    (0,0) circle [radius=2];
  (0,-2)--(0,2) (-2,0)--(2,0)

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