[Tex/LaTex] How to only draw grid lines for ticks with labels in pgfplots


I'm using the dynamic dict from mail-archive.com
It generates automatically the data for the x axis.

I want only every second (or every third, …) tick and grid line. I've already managed to omit the labels for the ticks, but the grid lines are still there :/

Here's the MWE:




    dynamic dict fewerticks/.style={
        x coord trafo/.code={%
            \pgfkeysifdefined{/ken/key ##1}{%
                 \pgfkeysgetvalue{/ken/key ##1}\pgfmathresult%
                \global\pgfkeyslet{/ken/key ##1}\pgfmathresult
                \global\pgfkeyslet{/ken/key no \pgfmathresult}{##1}%
                \global\advance\kencounter by 1
        x coord inv trafo/.code={%
            \pgfkeysifdefined{/ken/key no \pgfmathresult}{%
                    \pgfkeysgetvalue{/ken/key no \pgfmathresult}\pgfmathresult%
                    \PackageError{pgfplots}{Inverse trafo for \pgfmathresult\space failed: no such key!}{}%
        scaled x ticks=false,
        plot coordinates/math parser=false


My tries:

    \begin{axis}[width=7cm,dynamic dict fewerticks=2,grid=major, xtick=data,ylabel={\xdata}]%
        \addplot coordinates { (1M,2) (2M,4) (3M,6) };
    \begin{axis}[width=7cm,dynamic dict fewerticks=2,grid=major, xtick={1M,3M},ylabel={\xdata}]%
        \addplot coordinates { (1M,2) (2M,4) (3M,6) };

\vspace{1cm}How it should look like (ignore the missing M):\vspace{1cm}

    \begin{axis} [width=7cm,grid=major,xtick={1,3}]%
         \addplot coordinates { (1,2) (2,4) (3,6) };


and why doesn't the upper right picture show the label "3M"?

enter image description here

Best Answer

This doesn't directly solve this question, but it solved my problem: I wanted a x axis with buffer sizes and units (B, KiB, MiB, GiB). For this the dynamic axis style worked, but there is a better solution:


    byte x achsis log/.style={
                    \pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed,/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,fixed zerofill}
                xticklabel style={rotate=90,anchor=east, font=\small},

        \pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed,/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=0}%
        \pgfmathparse{\arga < \argb}%

        \pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed,%
        /pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=0,set thousands separator={}}%
        \pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed,%
        /pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=1,set thousands separator={}}%


    \begin{axis} [width=7cm,
                log basis x=2,
                byte x achsis log,
                try min ticks log=13
         \addplot coordinates { (1,2) (2048,4) (3000,6) (3000000,7)};


result image