[Tex/LaTex] How to move axis multiplier to an appropriate position in PGFPlot


With the MWE below, I get the x-axis multiplier along with the x-axis label as shown in the figure.
enter image description here

However, the y-axis label is at the right position. How do I move the x-axis multiplier to an appropriate position that matches the present y-axis multiplier in PGFPlot?


% used PGFPlots v1.14

Level   Cost    Error   Fourth

        xlabel = Cost,
        ylabel = Error,
        \addplot table[x index=1, y index=2, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 1}
        \addplot table[x index=1, y index=0, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 2}
        \addplot table[x index=1, y index=3, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 3}     
        \addplot table[x index=3, y index=1, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 4}
        \addplot table[x index = 0, y index=1, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 5}
        \addplot table[x index=3, y index=3, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 6}
        \addplot table[x index=3, y index=0, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 7}
        \addplot table[x index=2,y index=1, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 8}
        \addplot table[x index = 0, y index=3, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 9}
        \addplot table[x index = 0, y index=2, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 10}
        \addplot table[x index=2, y index=2, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 11}
        \addplot table[x index=2, y index=0, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 12}
\caption{PGFPLOT graph}

Best Answer

See : Placement of scale tick labels in pgfplots

Below I make attempts with the following :

    every x tick scale label/.style={at={(rel axis cs:1,0)},anchor=south west,inner sep=1pt},

(left) and (right)

    every x tick scale label/.style={at={(xticklabel cs:1)},anchor=south west},

The output

enter image description here

The code

Level   Cost    Error   Fourth

        xlabel = Cost,
        ylabel = Error,
        every x tick scale label/.style={at={(rel axis cs:1,0)},anchor=south west,inner sep=1pt},
        \addplot table[x index=1, y index=2, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 1}
        \addplot table[x index=1, y index=0, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 2}
        \addplot table[x index=1, y index=3, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 3}     
        \addplot table[x index=3, y index=1, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 4}
        \addplot table[x index = 0, y index=1, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 5}
        \addplot table[x index=3, y index=3, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 6}
        \addplot table[x index=3, y index=0, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 7}
        \addplot table[x index=2,y index=1, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 8}
        \addplot table[x index = 0, y index=3, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 9}
        \addplot table[x index = 0, y index=2, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 10}
        \addplot table[x index=2, y index=2, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 11}
        \addplot table[x index=2, y index=0, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 12}
        xlabel = Cost,
        ylabel = Error,
        every x tick scale label/.style={at={(xticklabel cs:1)},anchor=south west},
        \addplot table[x index=1, y index=2, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 1}
        \addplot table[x index=1, y index=0, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 2}
        \addplot table[x index=1, y index=3, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 3}     
        \addplot table[x index=3, y index=1, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 4}
        \addplot table[x index = 0, y index=1, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 5}
        \addplot table[x index=3, y index=3, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 6}
        \addplot table[x index=3, y index=0, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 7}
        \addplot table[x index=2,y index=1, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 8}
        \addplot table[x index = 0, y index=3, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 9}
        \addplot table[x index = 0, y index=2, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 10}
        \addplot table[x index=2, y index=2, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 11}
        \addplot table[x index=2, y index=0, col sep=comma] {pgfplots.dat};
        \addlegendentry{Case 12}