[Tex/LaTex] How to modify \maketitle title page in amsbook


Here is the preamble to my document, plus a little more.


\usepackage{pgfplots}% This uses tikz
\pgfplotsset{compat=newest}% use newest version

%Pour les accents françaises


\title[Long Title]{Les Mathématiques}
\author{M. Abdel Guerroui}


\chapter{Intégrales Correction Problème 1}

I'm having a little trouble adjusting to the amsbook style. Here's what I need:

  1. To have no blank pages whatsoever.
  2. To have the first page start at #1 and continue through the whole document, not restart at the first chapter.
  3. To be able to put the title, author, and a photo on the very first page of the document.

Best Answer

  1. use option [openany] with \documentclass.

  2. put \mainmatter immediately after \begin{document} instead of after \tableofcontents.

  1. here is a modified version of your example that redefines the relevant part of \maketitle, including only a title, author, and space for a photo; you can adjust spacing as desired.

note that the packages amsmath and amsfonts have been omitted; they are built into all ams document classes.


\usepackage{pgfplots}% This uses tikz
\pgfplotsset{compat=newest}% use newest version

%Pour les accents françaises

     photo for first page
  \begingroup \topskip\z@skip


\title[Long Title]{Les Mathématiques}
\author{M. Abdel Guerroui}

\chapter{Intégrales Correction Problème 1}