[Tex/LaTex] How to remove a blank page after maketitle, scrbook


There appears a blank page between the title page and the table of content. Many had this problem, but no solution works for me, because no one used the scrbook class.







Best Answer

Before I provide a solution, I want to quote the KOMA manual.

With the standard classes, the back of the title page of a double-side print is left empty. However, with KOMA-Script the back of the full title page can be used for other information. Exactly two elements which the user can freely format are recognized: titlebackhead and titlebackfoot . The head can reach up to the foot and vice versa. If one takes this manual as an example, the exclusion of liability was set with the help of the \uppertitleback command.

Scrguien page 60

So the blank page is related to the information provided by \uppertitleback{} and \lowertitleback{}. There is no way to suppress this by options if you use the standard maketitle definition.

You can do the following:

  1. Use the option titlepage=false. In this way the environment titlepage isn't used and all elements are part of the text.

  2. Use either \uppertitleback{} or \lowertitleback{}. So you need the extra page.

  3. Redefine the default command \maketitle (see below)

  4. Use an alternative titlepage (German): http://komascript.de/titlepage

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