[Tex/LaTex] How to make this watermark


I'm going to write a lecture note . I'd like to make create a watermark like this but i don't know how to do it. Can you help me to draw this watermark?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Welcome! You can do that e.g. with eso-pic and tikz. The distance to this watermark to the text is specified in ([xshift=-1ex]current page text area.west).

\usepackage{lipsum}%<- only to add some text
\AddToShipoutPicture{\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
 (AE) at ([xshift=-1ex]current page text area.west){Albert Einstein};
 \draw[very thick,pink] (AE.east) -- ++ (0,4)
   (AE.west) -- ++ (0,-4);


enter image description here

For different "watermarks" on even vs. odd pages, you can use

\usepackage{lipsum}%<- only to add some text
\AddToShipoutPicture{\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
 (AE) at ([xshift=-1em]current page text area.west){Albert Einstein};
 \draw[very thick,pink] (AE.east) -- ++ (0,4)
   (AE.west) -- ++ (0,-4);
 (CFG) at ([xshift=1em]current page text area.east){Carl Friedrich Gauss};
 \draw[very thick,pink] (CFG.west) -- ++ (0,4)
   (CFG.east) -- ++ (0,-4);


enter image description here