[Tex/LaTex] Watermark image


Please note I'm new to LaTeX so don't know much about it (yet). I've looked on-line about how to add a watermark image but don't know how to do it. I've seen sites that show something about it but they seem to be aimed at people who know how to add extra packages, something I don't know how to do (yet).

Does anyone know of a site or tutorial that takes 'newbies' through the process on a step by step basis? I will need o have text easily readable on the page so the colors as I want to have it centered on the page both horizontally and vertically but automatically adjusted to fill the page to the margins up but keep the aspect ratio of the original image.

Best Answer

How about a simple example like the following? Create the image file, name it test.png, then compile the document via pdflatex.

Some text.

There is also the eso-pic package, but I have not used it myself.