[Tex/LaTex] How to make these two diagrams in Beamer



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How do I make diagram 1 and 3 in the following picture in Beamer?

For example, I tried:



\smartdiagram[constellation diagram]


It looks similar to diagram 3, but the arrow is in the opposite direction.

Best Answer

All examples from the documentation of smartdiagram

Diagram 1: (with a little help from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/263961/36296)



  /tikz/connection planet satellite/.append style={<-},
  /tikz/satellite/.append style={rectangle,rounded corners=5mm},

\smartdiagram[constellation diagram]{
  Build a program,Set up,Run,Analyze,Modify Add,Check


enter image description here

Diagram 2:


\smartdiagramset{planet color=orange!60,
  distance planet-satellite=3cm
 \smartdiagram[connected constellation diagram]
  {Build a program,Set up,Run,Analyze,Modify~/\\ Add,Check}


enter image description here

Diagram 3:


\smartdiagram[constellation diagram]{
 Build a program,Set up,Run,Analyze,Modify~/\\ Add


enter image description here

Diagram 4:


\smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{%
  Build a program,Set up,Run,Analyze,Modify Add,Check


enter image description here