[Tex/LaTex] How to make the first page double sided in a single sided LaTeX document


How do I make the first page double sided in a single sided LaTeX document?

Is there a way that I can tell LaTeX that I want something on both sides of the first page, but everything after it to be single sided only, without making the whole document double sided and inserting a blank page after every page?

Best Answer

The geometry package allows one to switch your layout mid-document. So, you could set it as twoside for the first two pages, and then switch to the default ("oneside").

Here is a minimal document producing four pages, the first two are twoside, while the last two are not set in twoside mode, as shown by the showframe option to geometry.

twoside switch to oneside

\usepackage[showframe]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
\newgeometry{twoside}% Switch to twoside
\restoregeometry% Restore to oneside

lipsum was merely used to produce dummy text, Lorem ipsum style.

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