[Tex/LaTex] Switch to one-sided mode in the appendix of a double-sided document


I have a larger document (book class) which should be typeset double-sided, i.e. with the twopage class option. However, in my appendix I have some technical diagrams which should not be printed double-sided but on an odd page with the following even page of the same sheet being empty, like it would be for a printed one-sided (onepage) document which is printed only on one side. These pages do not include a page number and are inserted using \includepdf (pdfpages package) or an \includegraphics with some extra commands around it.

How can I enable this pseudo-onepage mode? I might need to switch back to the normal mode for a later, different appendix. Basically an empty page must be inserted after every normal page. I don't want to manually add \clearpage\thispagestyle{empty}\cleardoublepage after every real page.

Best Answer

This just prints on odd pages shipping out blank pages in between




\fbox{\parbox{3in}{1\vskip .7\textheight}}

\fbox{\parbox{3in}{2\vskip .7\textheight}}

\fbox{\parbox{3in}{3\vskip .7\textheight}}

and back to normal:


\fbox{\parbox{3in}{4\vskip .7\textheight}}

\fbox{\parbox{3in}{5\vskip .7\textheight}}

\fbox{\parbox{3in}{6\vskip .7\textheight}}
