[Tex/LaTex] How to make a vertex with math inside using tkz-graph


Okay, my goal is to make a diagram like this in LaTeX:

enter image description here

With the difference, that I want where you see dots or dots2, I want to have $\ldots$ displayed. I'm trying to get that working using the tkz-graph package. My only experience with tikz is that package, so therefore I'm trying to do this in that way. I know that I can use \Vertices{line}{0,1,dots,i,i+1,dots2} to get all the vertices in a line, but I don't know how to get a vertex with math inside. I tried \Vertices{line}{0,1,$\ldots$,i,i+1,dots2} but that wont work.

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.append style = {->}}
\tikzset{LabelStyle/.style= {draw,
fill = white,
text = black}}

\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.append style = {bend left}}

Best Answer

You can use Math option. But this can't be mixed with other vertices which are not having math content. Hence we have to split the entire line and use x and y values to position them properly:

\Vertex[Math,L=\ldots,x=4,y=0] {dots}
\Vertex[Math,L=\ldots,x=10,y=0] {dots2}

Full code:

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.append style = {->}}
\tikzset{LabelStyle/.style= {draw,
fill = white,
text = black}}

\Vertex[Math,L=\ldots,x=4,y=0] {dots}
\Vertex[Math,L=\ldots,x=10,y=0] {dots2}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.append style = {bend left}}

enter image description here