[Tex/LaTex] Adjusting edge and vertex label


I am using the following code (thanks to several answers on TeX.Stackexchange) to draw a small bipartite graph:



  \tikzset{VertexStyle/.style =
    {shape=circle,fill=mygreen,minimum size = 6pt,inner sep=0pt}
  \tikzset{VertexStyle/.style =
    {shape=circle,fill=myblue,minimum size = 6pt,inner sep=0pt}
  \Edge[label = $0.005$](d0)(s0)
  \Edge[label = $0.002$](d0)(s1)
  \Edge[label = $0.100$](d1)(s1)    

which yields

small bipartite graph example

I want to make a few more changes. These are as follows:

  1. Move the vertex labels d0 and d1 to the left so that the edges don't cut across them.
  2. Move the edge weights so that the numbers are places right above the edge and parallel to the slope of the edge.

Note: I was consulting this manual, but didn't find helpful information regarding my issues. If you can provide a link to a more exhaustive document, it will be really helpful for me in future.

Progress: Added the line \SetUpVertex[Lpos=-180] before defining the vertex style for the left column, and then added \SetUpVertex[Lpos=0] before defining the vertex style for the right column (i.e., the s0 and s1 vertices). That solves the problem I had with vertex label positions.

Best Answer

You already solve the difficult part of problem: position of vertex label. The easy part is labels of edges. There you just add option sloped. So, the code of your MWE is:




\usepackage[active,floats,tightpage]{preview}%<-- just to show figure only

\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {shape=circle, fill=mygreen,
                               minimum size=6pt,inner sep=0pt}
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {shape=circle, fill=myblue,
                               minimum size=6pt, inner sep=0pt}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style={->,font=\scriptsize,above,sloped,midway}}%<-- new options
  \Edge[label = $0.005$](d0)(s0)
  \Edge[label = $0.002$](d0)(s1)
  \Edge[label = $0.100$](d1)(s1)

enter image description here

In conversion from pdf to jpg are lost transparency of shapes with edge labels, so the picture is a little bit damaged.