[Tex/LaTex] How to make a bibliography without the header using Biber and the Friggeri CV template


I want to make a cv using the Friggeri template I found there :

But since I only have articles in the publication section I do not want the subsection heading to appear. I find how to change it to what ever I want but I do not know how to make it disappear totally. Does someone know how to do it ?

Here is my MWE:

\documentclass[]{friggeri-cv} % Add 'print' as an option into the square 

bracket to remove colors from this template for printing

\addbibresource{bibliography.bib} % Specify the bibliography file to include publications


\header{john}{smith}{junior business analyst} % Your name and current job title/field


\printbibsection{article}{I don't want this line to appear} % Print all articles from the bibliography



Here the result I get from the code:
enter image description here

I already try to the following:


But then it automaticaly write "Bibliography"

And also :


But it does not work at all.

Note to use the template: In order to compile the file, you have either to have the "new helvetica" font or to change it in the class file found under the given link.

Thank you for the help.

Best Answer

The nicest solution is probably

    \printbibliography[sorting=chronological, type={#1}, title={#2}, heading=none]

Just put this into your preamble.



    \printbibliography[sorting=chronological, type={#1}, title={#2}, heading=none]

\header{john}{smith}{junior business analyst} 


example output

Alternatively, without the above redefinition you can only say


then the spacing will be as if there was an empty headline.