[Tex/LaTex] How to list a BibTex entry for a journal article published over multiple issues


I'm relatively new to LaTeX and very new to BibTeX. I need to create a number of bibliography entries for journal articles that are cited as single entries, but that were published across multiple issues. For example:

Angus-Leppan, P. V. A Study of Refraction in the Lower Atmosphere. 120, 62; 121, 107; 122, 166

I'm already using the natbib package if that's any use.

Best Answer

Here is an example using biblatex and an entry set:

Sample output

bib file

  entryset = {AL:main,AL2,AL3},

  author =   {Angus-Leppan, P. V.},
  title =    {A Study of Refraction in the Lower Atmosphere},
  journaltitle = {Survey Review},
  year =     1961,
  volume =   120,
  pages =    62

  xref = {AL:main},
  volume =   121,
  pages =    107

  xref = {AL:main},
  volume =   122,
  pages =    166

Main document






