[Tex/LaTex] tweaking a resume template to allow custom bibtex categories


So I use LaTeX a lot for work. I'm in the process of creating a new academic CV.

I found a beautiful template that I really love, but handles bibtex references in an unweildy manner. It assumes something is a conference piece or a journal article by the type of bibtex entry. (@misc, @inproceedings, @article, etc)

This is problematic since for example, I have workshops I've attended that published proceedings and were counted as "peer reviewed". Sometimes they were not peer reviewed, but these would be lumped together with the first CV's approach. Another issue is the whole @misc section is a jumble of posters, invited talks, and links to news articles about me.

My old cv template isn't very pretty, but it handles bibtex citations in a much more usable manner.

Basically, it lets you predeclare your categories and list the cites that go in each. (Example below)


Ideally, I'd like to use the citation method from my old CV, but with the visual look from the new one.

I've attempted merging the new resumé's .cls and the old resumé's .sty, but I know very little about making templates and just get a mass of errors. It seemed like a simple matter of replacing one template's references code with the other, but I can't get it to compile.

Is there any way I can force the new CV style I found to let me have my own custom groupings?

I tried pulling the citation code from one templatr and puttin it in the other, but it just leads to a mass of errors, and no matter how much I google I can't get it to compile. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

This uses a modified version of friggeri-cv.cls. Open the file, go to the Bibliography part and add the option backend=biber to the biblatex package option. Then, comment out the part where the command \printbibsection is being defined. Below the sorting scheme definition add

\makebibcategory{papers}{Refereed research papers}
\makebibcategory{chapters}{Book chapters}
\makebibcategory{conferences}{Papers in conference proceedings}
\makebibcategory{techreports}{Unpublished working papers}
\makebibcategory{bookreviews}{Book reviews}
\makebibcategory{phd}{PhD thesis}
\makebibcategory{subpapers}{Submitted papers}
\makebibcategory{curpapers}{Current projects}


By the way, I changed the \defs to \newcommands, because of this tip.

Then, in the preamble of your actual CV file (I again based it on Friggeri's template), just add the command \addbibresource{example.bib} to add your .bib file (this command replaces the \bibliography command in recent versions of biblatex).

Under the section Publications, take out everything and add



Of course, you'll want to adapt your keys to what makes sense in your case. This patchwork of Friggeri's and your own propositions seems to work decently over on my side. Tell me how it works.