[Tex/LaTex] How to label sets in Venn diagram using venndiagram package


How do I have the labels (A and B) outside the circles? I would like a solution that uses the venndiagram package.



Best Answer

Solution 1.:

(Modified after the comment of @CarLaTeX)

            \draw (labelA) node[above=2pt] {A};
            \draw (labelB) node[above=2pt] {B};

enter image description here

Solution 2.:

You could use tikzlibrary calc, and with its help, it's easy to put the labels on certain coordinates.

(I used @Jake's answer for TikZ: Node at same x-coordinate as another node, but specified y-coordinate?)

            \path let \p1 = (labelA) in node at (\x1,3.2) {A};
            \path let \p2 = (labelB) in node at (\x2,0.2) {B};

enter image description here