[Tex/LaTex] How to label or dimension a circle radius in TikZ


I have a circle in the picture… How to add dimension of radius… form center of the circle to any point on the circle? Rotation is not giving what i want…




\draw [step=1.0,thin,gray!40] (0,-3) grid (6,3);

\fill[blue] (3,0) circle (2pt) node [black,,below left] {$C$};
\draw[thick] (3,0) circle(3);

\draw[|->|] (3,0) -- (6,0)  node [midway,fill=white] {3$a$};
\draw[|->|,rotate=45] (3,0) -- (6,0)  node [midway,fill=white] {3$a$};



Best Answer

Another option is to use relative polar coordinates for the 45° line as in (3,0) -- ++(45:3) and the option slope to let the node rotated in the direction of the line, i.e. node [midway,sloped,fill=white]




\draw [step=1.0,thin,gray!40] (0,-3) grid (6,3);

\fill[blue] (3,0) circle (2pt) node [black,below left] {$C$};
\draw[thick] (3,0) circle(3);
\draw[->] (3,0) -- (6,0)  node [midway,fill=white] {3$a$};
\draw[->] (3,0) -- ++(45:3)  node [midway,sloped,fill=white] {3$a$};

