[Tex/LaTex] How to insert footer in first pages of chapter


I am using fancyhdr to make header and footer for pages. In the minimal example the footer is not appearing in the first page of chapter. I want footer to be appear in the first pages of the chapter also. Please help me to do that.

\documentclass[10pt,a4paper, twoside]{report}
\fancyfoot[LE, RO]{Apurba Paul}
\fancyfoot[LO, RE]{Using fancyhdr}
\title{Using fancyhdr}
\author{Apurba Paul}
\chapter{First Chapter}
content of the first title.
content of the next page


Best Answer

The first page of a chapter is typeset using the plain pagestyle so that it stands out from other pages. You can modify it with something like:

\fancyfoot[LE, RO]{Apurba Paul}
\fancyfoot[LO, RE]{Using fancyhdr}}

to change the style so your footer is also on the first page of a chapter, leaving the default header unchanged.