[Tex/LaTex] Header and footer for a book using: part on even page and chapter on odd page


My goal is to realize this layout for a book (possibly using fancyhdr, but I'm open to everything):

enter image description here

where the current layout is represented in grey. In other words, I want :

  • to put the page numbering on the footer of each page (except part title pages)
  • to put the name of the current part on even (non-special) pages (with the format shown in the picture: PART I: XXX) + a line under it
  • to put the name of the current chapter on odd (non-special) pages (with the format shown in the picture: CHAPTER I: XXX) + a line under it

What I name "special pages" are the pages of part title or the first page of each chapter.

  1. How to do that?
  2. From a professional editor point of view, what alignments should I choose for the header on even pages (part title on the left/center/right?) and for the header on odd pages (chapter title on the left/center/right?) (is there a prefered/more "natural" alignment?)

Here is an example of a basic document:

\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}

%Note: this is a very preliminary attempt..., 
%Fancier solutions are welcome
%The page numbering does not work correctly
\fancyhead[LE]{\thepart} %How do I get the part name in capital letters
\fancyhead[RO]{\thechapter} %How do I get the chapter name in capital letters


\part{Premiere partie}
\chapter{Premier chapitre}
\chapter{Second chapitre}
\part{Deuxieme partie}
\chapter{Troisieme chapitre}
\chapter{Quatrieme chapitre}


Best Answer

You can try with


\usepackage[head=15pt, top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}

\ifx\\#1\\% optional argument not present?

\fancyhead[LE]{Partie \thepart: \parttitle}


\part{Premiere partie}
\chapter{Premier chapitre}
\chapter{Second chapitre}
\part{Deuxieme partie}
\chapter{Troisieme chapitre}
\chapter{Quatrieme chapitre}


You must edit the font style in \fancyhead[RO]{\leftmark} and \fancyhead[LE]{Partie \thepart: \parttitle}. Moreover, you maybe need works with \thispagestyle{empty} for white pages before new chapter and new part.

I put % before \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} due problems with online latex compiler. Also

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