[Tex/LaTex] How to hyphenate a reference that has a lastname with a hyphen


I need to hyphenate a long lastname with a hyphen in it in a reference, e.g.:

author = {Longlast-Namewithhyphen, Antonio and Anotherlastname, David},
title = {{How to hyphenate a reference that has a lastname with a hyphen?}},
journal = {Contributions To the TeX Stackexchange},
year = {2013},
volume = {2},
pages = {539--557},

I read in Line breaking (or hyphenation?) of references in apalike that one can hyphenate even a word from the .bib file with \hyphenation, but words that already have a hyphen cannot be hyphenated, or you do something like it's done in this SO thread. However, I think there has to be another way than manipulating the BibTeX entries.

Any solutions for this?


  • I'm editing my library externally and it is still growing as I'm
    adding new references to the bibliography during the writing process,
    thus substituting the hyphens with a shorthand in the final
    (exported) .bib file is not very efficient time-wise.

  • Also, my bibliography has a ton of authors with their last names
    being of hispanic origin which would mean time-costly, manual editing
    of the .bib file (I know that hispanic last names are normally not
    connected with a hyphen, but the hyphens is internationally
    introduced to avoid confusion).

I'm writing my thesis with \classicthesis, so the preamble is much more complex, but here's a MWE:

\documentclass{scrbook} % KOMA-Script article
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Minion Pro}





.bib file

author = {Longlast-Namewithhyphen, Antonio and Anotherlastname, David},
title = {{How to hyphenate a reference that has a lastname with a hyphen?}},
journal = {Contributions To the TeX Stackexchange},
year = {2013},
volume = {2},
pages = {539--557},

Changing the hyphenchar is not working.

Best Answer

with package babel use


and then

author = {Longlast"=Namewithhyphen, Antonio and Anotherlastname, David},