Babel(spanish)/chicago bibliography style conflicting


I am writing some class notes, and babel (with spanish language option) + natbib + chicago bibliography style are producing some undesirable results: they give me the Missing \endcsname inserted. error when I add a volume to a given article I am trying to cite. The class notes are in spanish so I need babel. A minimal working example of my tex file:




cite the citation \citep{efron1979}




and my biblio.bib file:

 author={Bradley Efron},
 title={Bootstrap Methods: Another Look at the Jackknife},
 journal={The Annals of Statistics},

If I remove the volume from the cited work in the .bib file, for some reason, the code works. But these is a very annoying work around: I still get warnings from BibTex, saying that I have a missing volume. What is the proper solution to this?

Best Answer

Given that you use utf8 encoding (notice that this is the default since a while; you do not need to explicitly load inputenc here, although you probably do need the fontenc to set T1), probably you will input ñ as ñ and not as ~n --- one possibility is to disable the shorthands altogether, as in:

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % not needed
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % this IS needed
\usepackage[spanish, es-noshorthands, shorthands=off]{babel}



cite the citation \citep{efron1979}




which works. If you have Spanish shorthands in the real bib file, though, that will be more complex --- but in BiBTeX file I advocate for plain TeX syntax everywhere, so you have no surprises...

Disabling the babel shorthands when using spanish will prevent also several other glitches with, for example, TikZ and company.

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