[Tex/LaTex] How to get the end in algorithm2e


I am using algorithm2e to typeset an algorithm. I like the appearance of the following, but I am not able to get the end to close the `


`. Any way to do this?



    \caption{PHORIZONTAL Algorithm}\label{alg:phorizontal}
\KwIn{$R$: relation; $Pr$: set of simple predicates}
\KwOut{$F_{R}$: set of horizontal fragments of $R$}
$Pr' \leftarrow $COM\_MIN($R, Pr$) \;
determine the set $M$ of minterm predicates \;
determine the set $I$ of implications among $p_i \in Pr'$ \;
\ForEach{$m_{i} \in M$}{
    \If{ $m_{i}$ is contradictory according to $I$}{$M \leftarrow M - m_{i}$} 
$F_{R} = \{R_{i} | \sigma_{m_{i}} R, m_{i} \in M\}, \forall m_{i} \in M$ \;

enter image description here

Best Answer

Referring to the answert by @egreg in End word is hidden in algorithm block , the vlined option suppresses the printing of “end”. Just remove the option:



    \caption{PHORIZONTAL Algorithm}\label{alg:phorizontal}
\KwIn{$R$: relation; $Pr$: set of simple predicates}
\KwOut{$F_{R}$: set of horizontal fragments of $R$}
$Pr' \leftarrow $COM\_MIN($R, Pr$) \;
determine the set $M$ of minterm predicates \;
determine the set $I$ of implications among $p_i \in Pr'$ \;
\ForEach{$m_{i} \in M$}{
    \If{ $m_{i}$ is contradictory according to $I$}{$M \leftarrow M - m_{i}$}
$F_{R} = \{R_{i} | \sigma_{m_{i}} R, m_{i} \in M\}, \forall m_{i} \in M$ \;

enter image description here