[Tex/LaTex] algorithm2e – Undefined control sequence. \end


I don't understand why i have this error at the "\end{algorithm}" line

\usepackage[spanish,onelanguage,linesnumbered]{algorithm2e} %for psuedo code

\begin{algorithm}[H] %or another one check

    \Fn{\FSonIguales{$X[1..n]$, $Y[1..n]$}}{
        \;\comment{\# Si es array vacío, devuelvo verdadero}\;
        \uIf{$X.longitud == 0$ $\&\&$ $Y.longitud == 0$}{
            \KwRet verdadero\; 
        \;\comment{\# Compruebo si primeros elemento son distintos}\;
        \uElseIf{$X[1]$  $!=$  $Y[1]$}{
            \KwRet falso\;
        \;\comment{\# Compruebo el resto del array}\;
            \KwRet son\_iguales($X[2..n]$, $Y[2..n]$)\;

Line 126 - Undefined control sequence. \end
Line 126 - Undefined control sequence. \end
Line 126 - Undefined control sequence. \end

Best Answer

The undefined control sequence is \comment. Here is the full error message:

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument>  \;\comment 
                       {\# Si es array vacío, devuelvo verdadero}\; \uIf {$...
l.25 \end

What can you do? Just don't use \comment, which is undefined. The macros for comments are \tcp and \tcc, described in section 10.3 of the manual of algorithm2e.