[Tex/LaTex] How to get pgfonlayer to work correctly inside onslide


I am trying to use onslide to group different picture elements
together and control when and how long they appear on the slide. At
the same time I am trying to use pgfonlayer to make sure some things
are drawn "underneath" other things to ensure the right occlusion.

I think they should be completely independent of each other, but I am
finding that when I put elements into the pgfonlayer environment
(which is inside the onslide), it seems to put all the items in the
same pgf background layer into something equivalent to onslide<1->.
Almost like the pgfonlayer cancels the effect of the onslide.

To be more precise I can have something like this (this is a sketch of
the problem — A,B,C,D are real graphics, not just letters):

A % A should be occluded by B

C % C should be occluded by D

and I get the effect that A and C are always visible.

Is there an easy way to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



ps. Here is a full source code example:

\title{onslide vs pgfonlayer}
\author[My Team]{My Name}

  \frametitle{First using pgfonlayer only -- works.}

  On this first slide the light colors are on top, even though they are
  drawn before the darker colors.  {\bf pgfonlayer} is used to achieve


      \draw[fill=blue!10] (0,1) circle (1cm);
        \draw[fill=blue] (0,0) circle (1cm);
      \draw[fill=red!10] (3,1) circle (1cm);
        \draw[fill=red] (3,0) circle (1cm);


  \frametitle{Next, adding onslide -- fails.}
  On this second slide I attempt to use {\bf onslide} to show only one
  side at a time.  First the blues then the reds.

        \draw[fill=blue!10] (0,1) circle (1cm);
          \draw[fill=blue] (0,0) circle (1cm);
        \draw[fill=red!10] (3,1) circle (1cm);
          \draw[fill=red] (3,0) circle (1cm);


  First we see light blue with both dark colors, ...\pause and then we
  see light red with both dark colors.  It seems that because I put the
  darker colors into the bg layer, the onslide groupings I put around
  each basic color do not work


Best Answer

You are right: the pgfonlayer environment cancels the effect of the \onslide!

A workaround:

  \frametitle{pgfonlayer and onslide...}
        \draw[fill=blue!10] (0,1) circle (1cm);
            \draw[fill=blue] (0,0) circle (1cm);
        \draw[fill=red!10] (3,1) circle (1cm);
            \draw[fill=red] (3,0) circle (1cm);

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