[Tex/LaTex] How to force label of a \caption{} to be lower case


The idea is to have the label of a caption (table in my case, but it shouldn't matter which one, really) to be in small caps and lowercase. Now, I managed to get them in the color that I want, and in small caps, and bold. But it still say's "Table 1" as label of the table, with a capital 'T'.

Hence, I'd like to have that in all lower case, so it looks good with small caps. I tried this:

I'm using something like this:




But it doesn't work.

I did something similar with the section labels:


Here, making the section title appear in lower case small caps worked fine.

But how to do that with captions for figures and tables?

The Text needs to be in lowercase and small caps for the desired effect.

Consider this example:
enter image description here
In this example, the section name "booktabs table" is actually lowercase. But because it's also made with \scshape, I get the effect that I want.

Now the label "Table 1" is in small caps, but it's not lowercase (hence the big 'T'). The desired effect is exactly what I've done with section names.

The relevant code section is:

\section{booktabs table}

\begin{table}[h] \centering
    \caption{The Greek alphabet and variant letter forms with control sequences. Also, this lines needs to be much longer, so line breaks occur...\label{tab:greek}}
    \begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}} \toprule
            \multicolumn{2}{@{}c}{Uppercase}                  & \multicolumn{2}{c@{}}{Lowercase} \\ \midrule
                $\Alpha$   & \texttt{\textbackslash{}Alpha}   & $\mathrm\alpha$   & \texttt{\textbackslash{}alpha}   \\
                $\Beta$    & \texttt{\textbackslash{}Beta}    & $\mathrm\beta$    & \texttt{\textbackslash{}beta}    \\
                $\Gamma$   & \texttt{\textbackslash{}Gamma}   & $\mathrm\gamma$   & \texttt{\textbackslash{}gamma}   \\
            \multicolumn{2}{@{}c}{Uppercase} & \multicolumn{2}{c@{}}{Lowercase} \\ \midrule
                $\Xi$      & \texttt{\textbackslash{}Xi}      & $\mathrm\xi$      & \texttt{\textbackslash{}xi}      \\
                $\Omicron$ & \texttt{\textbackslash{}Omicron} & $\mathrm\omicron$ & \texttt{\textbackslash{}digamma} \\
                $\color{white}0$ & & & \\
        \end{tabular} \\ \toprule
            Normal form & \multicolumn{2}{c@{}}{Variant form} \\ \midrule
            Normal form & \multicolumn{2}{c@{}}{Variant form} \\ \midrule
        \end{tabular} \\ \bottomrule

Best Answer

Turns out it has to be done with a custom label format:



        \caption{I'm the caption\label{tab:cap}}
            I'm inside the table \\

This provides all lowercase + small caps labels. All other options are compatible (which aren't shown here).

Thanks to @Manuel for giving me the idea to use \MakeLowercase{} instead of \lowercase.