[Tex/LaTex] How to ensure a single character for \ldots


How do I ensure that \ldots comes out in the PDF as a single character?

I'm formatting a document for a publisher, who has given this condition in its formatting rules, but I do not know how I can do this in LaTeX.

I'm using MiKTeX 2.9

EDIT: Yes the question could be phrased as: is it possible for \ldots to produce a single "triple point glyph" rather than 3 separate dots (like "…"), since that's what it currently does.

Following the suggestion of kahen, I tried with XeLaTeX and the ellipsis character "…" as well as the \ldots command. Both worked and looked the same.

Best Answer

The command \ldots, which works both in text mode and in math mode, will create a single glyph in xelatex and lualatex, assuming you're using a font that knows how to set character U+2026, "Horizontal Ellipsis."

In an earlier version of this answer, I mistakenly referred to what's created in pdflatex by the \ldots command as a "single glyph". In fact, it's composed of three separate dots, concatenated by non-breaking whitespace. Thus, while it's not a single glyph in the narrow, technical sense, it behaves like one for typesetting purposes. For instance, it won't ever get broken up across two lines.

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