[Tex/LaTex] How to draw this digram in beamer class


I want to add the digram given below in my beamer presentation. I have tried this much till now



\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\draw (O) circle (2.5);
\draw (O) circle (1.5);
\draw (O) circle (0.5);

enter image description here

Best Answer

Just used the most basic and necessary commands I could imagine for this:


  \tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\scriptsize]
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\draw[fill=green!50!blue] (O) ellipse (2.9cm and 1.2cm);
\draw[fill=red] ([yshift=0.4cm]O) ellipse (1.4cm and 0.3cm) node[anchor=center]{NP-complete};
\draw[fill=green!45!yellow] ([yshift=-0.65cm,xshift=-0.45cm]O) ellipse (0.8cm and 0.3cm)node[xshift=-0.3cm](L){P};
\node at ([xshift=-1.1cm]L){NP};
\node[text width=2cm] (M)at ([xshift=4.2cm,yshift=1cm]O){Graph \\isomorphism};
\draw[-latex,red,thick] (M)--([xshift=1.6cm,yshift=-.2cm]O);


enter image description here