[Tex/LaTex] How to draw edges from node to the same node itself


I use tikz to draw a three nodes in a triangle, connected by arrows. I want to add a rounded edge from each node to itself, basically adding edges like
\path[<->] (left) edge (left) to the example below. However, it seems that it does not seem to work like this. Can anyone give me a hint on how to approach this/where to look?

\draw(0,0)node[left] (left){news media };
\draw(5,0)node[right] (right) {citizens};
\draw(60:5)node[above] (above){political actors};
\path[<->] (left) edge (right);
\path[<->] (left) edge (above);
\path[<->] (above) edge (right);

Best Answer

As already stated in the comment below the question this can be achieved using the loop options described in section 70.4 in the pgfmanual (v3.0.1a) on page 748. Applied to your given example it would be something like

        \draw(0,0)node[left] (left){news media };
        \draw(5,0)node[right] (right) {citizens};
        \draw(60:5)node[above] (above){political actors};
        \path[<->] (left)
            edge (right)
            edge [loop left] node {bla} ()
        \path[<->] (right)
            edge (above)
            edge [loop right] node {bli} ()
        \path[<->] (above)
            edge (left)
            edge [loop above] node {blub} ()

which gives the following result

image showing the result of above code