[Tex/LaTex] How to draw (Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical) coordinates and differential elements


How to draw the following figures?

I tried to do it myself, not an easy job, apparently! I did also find these relevant posts:

However, the drawings are a little bit weird and not so accurate. Any help would be appreciated.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

The figure in spherical coordinates can be found here

The code for cylindrical coordinates is next:


      \coordinate (O) at (0,0);
      \coordinate (Ox) at (-3,-3);
      \coordinate (Oy) at (4.243,0);  % sqrt{18}
      \coordinate (Oz) at (0, 6);

      % draw axis 
      \draw[-latex, line width=1] (O)-- (Ox) node[below] {$x$};
      \draw[-latex, line width=1] (O)-- (Oy) node[right] {$y$};
      \draw[-latex, line width=1] (O)-- (Oz) node[above] {$z$};

      % draw arcs
       \draw[thick] ($(0, 0) + (236:3cm and 2cm)$(P) arc
         (236:360:3cm and 2cm);
       \draw[thick] ($(0, 0) + (236:3cm and 2cm)$(P) arc
         (236:360:3cm and 2cm);

       \draw[thick] ($(0, 5) + (236:3cm and 2cm)$(P) arc
         (236:360:3cm and 2cm);

       \draw[thick, -latex] ($(0, 0) + (236:1.5cm and 1cm)$(P) arc
         (236:310:1.5cm and 1cm);

         \coordinate (Phi) at (0,-1) ;
         \node[below] at (Phi) {$\theta$};

      \coordinate (A1) at (0, 5);
      \coordinate (B) at (3, 5);
      \coordinate (C) at (-1.7, 3.3);
      \draw[thick] (A1)--(B);
      \draw[thick] (A1)--(C);

      % radius
      \coordinate (D) at (1.9,-1.5);
      \coordinate (P) at (1.9,3.5);
      \draw[thick] (O)--(D);
      \draw[thick, dashed] (A1)--(P) node[right, yshift=-1mm] {$P$};
      \draw[thick] (D)--(P);
      \fill[black] (P) circle (3pt);

      \coordinate (A) at (2.6, 4.0);
      \draw[thick, dashed] (A1)--(A) node[right, yshift=-1mm, xshift=-1mm] {$A$};

      % arcs
       \draw[thick] ($(0, 5) + (310:1.8cm and 1.2cm)$(P) arc
         (310:330:1.8cm and 1.2cm);

       \draw[thick] ($(0, 3.5) + (310:1.8cm and 1.2cm)$(P) arc
         (310:330:1.8cm and 1.2cm);

       \draw[thick] ($(0, 3.5) + (310:3cm and 2cm)$(P) arc
         (310:330:3cm and 2cm);

       \coordinate (Q) at (1.9,1.97);
       \node[below,xshift=2mm] at (Q) {$Q$};
        % \fill[black] (Q) circle (3pt);

      \coordinate (B) at (2.6, 2.5);
      \node[below,xshift=1mm] at (B) {$B$};
       % \fill[black] (B) circle (3pt);
      \draw[thick] (A) --(B);

      \coordinate (S) at (1.15, 4.1);
      \node[below, xshift=-2mm] at (S) {$S$};
       % \fill[black] (S) circle (3pt);

      \coordinate (R) at (1.15, 2.6);
      \node[below, xshift=-2mm] at (R) {$R$};
       %\fill[black] (R) circle (3pt);

      \coordinate (D) at (1.52, 4.42);
      \node[above] at (D) {$D$};
      % \fill[black] (D) circle (3pt);

      \coordinate (C) at (1.54, 2.86);
      \node[below] at (C) {$C$};
      %\fill[black] (C) circle (3pt);

      \draw[thick] (S) --(R);
      \draw[thick] (D) --(C);
      \draw[thick] (R) --(Q);
      \draw[thick] (C) --(B);

      % verticals on the planes
      \coordinate (H) at (-1.65,-1.65);
      %\fill[black] (H) circle (3pt);
      \coordinate (I) at (-1.65,3.35);
      %\fill[black] (I) circle (3pt);
      \draw[thick] (H) --(I);

      \coordinate (J) at (3,0);
      %\fill[black] (J) circle (3pt);
      \coordinate (K) at (3,5);
      %\fill[black] (K) circle (3pt);
      \draw[thick] (J) --(K);

      % filling
          (D)--(A) arc (325:306:3cm and 2.2cm)--(S)
           arc (305:325:1.8cm and 1.2cm)--cycle;

          (P) arc (306:325:3cm and 2.2cm)--(B)
           arc (325:306:3.0cm and 2.2cm)--cycle;


      % differential labels
      \node[right, yshift=1mm,xshift=2mm, rotate=-20] at (Q) {$\rho d \theta$};
      \node[right, yshift=6mm, xshift=-1mm ] at (B) {$dz$};
      \node[right,xshift=3mm, yshift=2mm, rotate=-20] at (D) {$d \rho$};


The picture is here The cube, is easy and left as homework.

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