[Tex/LaTex] How to draw spherical using 3dplot


I would like do draw some sphericals using the package 3dplot. Does anybody know how to draw spericals with different diameter and postition in a coordinate system like that one?

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt,]{scrartcl}



\usepackage{tikz, tikz-3dplot}




    \coordinate  (O)  at  (0,0,0);

    \draw[thick,->]  (0,0,0)  --  (1,0,0)  node[anchor=north  east]{$x$};
    \draw[thick,->]  (0,0,0)  --  (0,1,0)  node[anchor=north  west]{$y$};
    \draw[thick,->]  (0,0,0)  --  (0,0,1)  node[anchor=south]{$z$};




Here is some more code I wrote. I would like to put a sphere at each corner to draw a crystal lattice.

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt,]{scrartcl}



\usepackage{tikz, tikz-3dplot}




    \coordinate  (O)  at  (0,0,0);

    \draw[thick,->]  (0,0,0)  --  (1,0,0)  node[anchor=north  east]{$x$};
    \draw[thick,->]  (0,0,0)  --  (0,1,0)  node[anchor=north  west]{$y$};
    \draw[thick,->]  (0,0,0)  --  (0,0,1)  node[anchor=south]{$z$};


    \draw[color=blue] (P1)--(P2)--(P3)--(P4)--(P5)--(P6)--cycle;
    \draw[color=blue] (P1xy)--(P2xy)--(P3xy)--(P4xy)--(P5xy)--(P6xy)--cycle;
    \draw[color=blue] (P1xy)--(P1);
    \draw[color=blue] (P2xy)--(P2);
    \draw[color=blue] (P3xy)--(P3);
    \draw[color=blue] (P4xy)--(P4);
    \draw[color=blue] (P5xy)--(P5);
    \draw[color=blue] (P6xy)--(P6);



Best Answer

One way to do it is to use \pgfdeclareradialshading{sphere}:


which can create something like this:

enter image description here

To read more, have a look at pgf manual 83.2.2.

Another way to this is to create a second tikzpicture and use some 2d-shadings:

        \fill[black] (0,0) circle (0.5);
        \clip (0,0) circle (0.5);
        \shade[outer color=black, inner color=black!30] (-0.15,0.5) circle (0.7);

Something like this:

enter image description here

Credits for second suggestion. Useful link.