[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a Venn diagram in TikZ


I'd like to make this Venn diagram using TikZ (or otherwise at your discretion) based on this post
enter image description here

so far I have this, which looks even worse than a powerpoint attempt


 \def\firstcircle{(0,0) circle (1.5cm)}
 \def\secondcircle{(0:2cm) circle (1.5cm)}

  \colorlet{circle edge}{blue!50}
  \colorlet{circle area}{blue!20}

  \tikzset{filled/.style={fill=circle area, draw=circle edge, thick}, outline/.style={draw=circle edge, thick}}

% Set A and B

    \clip \secondcircle;
    \draw[filled, even odd rule] \firstcircle
                                 \secondcircle node {Env.=242};
     \draw[outline] \firstcircle node {Pat=9}
   \node[anchor=south] at (current bounding box.north) {$B - A$};

   \draw (-2.5,-2.5) rectangle (4.5,2.5) node [text=black,above] {$\emptyset$};

enter image description here

I'd really appreciate a helping hand here as I do know from the posts that I've seen it should be quite straight forward.


Is it possible to put the labels of the sets as they are in the picture? The reason for this is that I have half a dozen Venn diagrams and I'm not sure colour coordination is the easiest to see.

Best Answer

I would suggest some modifications: instead of crowding the diagram with information, you can use colors and a legend to display some of the information; in my example code I used a simple tabular to build the legend; also notice that no additional libraries were used




\coordinate (ceni);
\coordinate[xshift=\radius] (cenii);

\draw[fill=colori,fill opacity=0.5] (ceni) circle (\radius);
\draw[fill=colorii,fill opacity=0.5] (cenii) circle (\radius);

\draw  ([xshift=-20pt,yshift=20pt]current bounding box.north west) 
  rectangle ([xshift=20pt,yshift=-20pt]current bounding box.south east);

\node[yshift=10pt] at (current bounding box.north) {Number of total episodes of case};

\node at ([xshift=\radius]current bounding box.east) 
& Total & 431 \\
\mycolorbox{colori!50} & Env. & 189 \\
\mycolorbox{colorii!50} & Pat. & 422 \\

\node[xshift=-.5\radius] at (ceni) {$9$};
\node[xshift=.5\radius] at (cenii) {$242$};
\node[xshift=.9\radius] at (ceni) {$180$};
\node[xshift=10pt,yshift=10pt] at (current bounding box.south west) {$\emptyset$};


enter image description here

After a comment, here's another variant:




% some coordinates for the center of the circles
\coordinate (ceni);
\coordinate[xshift=\radius] (cenii);

% the circles
\draw (ceni) circle (\radius);
\draw (cenii) circle (\radius);

% the rectangle
\draw  ([xshift=-25pt,yshift=25pt]current bounding box.north west) 
  rectangle ([xshift=25pt,yshift=-25pt]current bounding box.south east);

%the labels
\node[xshift=-.5\radius] at (ceni) {$9$};
\node[xshift=.5\radius] at (cenii) {$242$};
\node[xshift=.9\radius] at (ceni) {$180$};
\node[xshift=-30pt,yshift=\radius+10pt] at (ceni) {Pat.${}=180$};
\node[xshift=30pt,yshift=\radius+10pt] at (cenii) {Env.${}=422$};
\node[xshift=10pt,yshift=10pt] at (current bounding box.south west) {$\emptyset$};
\node[yshift=10pt] at (current bounding box.north) {Number of total episodes of case};


enter image description here