[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a bimatrix for game theory using Osborne’s sgame.sty guide


Martin Osborne has a powerful guide on creating bimatrix for game theory https://www.economics.utoronto.ca/osborne/latex/

I am not familiar as to how I can incorporate a .sty file to my latex. I was expecting to use a package instead.

Can anyone teach me how I can use the .sty file so I can gain access to library of commands such as



Best Answer

A .sty file is a "package". Since the sgame package (which means sgame.sty and accompanying documentation) resides at CTAN.org, there is a good chance that your LaTeX installation will automatically know how to download and access it merely by placing \usepackage{sgame} in your document preamble.

      & $L$     & $M$\\
$T$   & $2,10$  & $2,0$\\
$B$   & $3,0$   & $0,9$

enter image description here

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