[Tex/LaTex] How to draw 3d matrix using tikz


i want to draw a matrix like the pic below, i just don't know how to do it
enter image description here

Best Answer

Just for fun: matrices that auto-create their entries.

\begin{tikzpicture}[auto matrix/.style={matrix of nodes,
  draw,thick,inner sep=0pt,
  nodes in empty cells,column sep=-0.2pt,row sep=-0.2pt,
  cells={nodes={minimum width=1.9em,minimum height=1.9em,
   draw,very thin,anchor=center,fill=white,
   execute at begin node={%
 \matrix[auto matrix=z,xshift=3em,yshift=3em](matz){
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
 \matrix[auto matrix=y,xshift=1.5em,yshift=1.5em](maty){
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
 \matrix[auto matrix=x](matx){
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
 \draw[thick,-stealth] ([xshift=1ex]matx.south east) -- ([xshift=1ex]matz.south east)
  node[midway,below] {$D$};
 \draw[thick,-stealth] ([yshift=-1ex]matx.south west) -- 
  ([yshift=-1ex]matx.south east) node[midway,below] {joints};
 \draw[thick,-stealth] ([xshift=-1ex]matx.north west)
   -- ([xshift=-1ex]matx.south west) node[midway,above,rotate=90] {time};

enter image description here

With a more linearized treatment of the cases (certainly not the optimum).

\begin{tikzpicture}[auto matrix/.style={matrix of nodes,
  draw,thick,inner sep=0pt,
  nodes in empty cells,column sep=-0.2pt,row sep=-0.2pt,
  cells={nodes={minimum width=1.9em,minimum height=1.9em,
   draw,very thin,anchor=center,fill=white,
   execute at begin node={%
 \newcommand{\mycolindex}[1]{\ifnum#1=5 N\else #1\fi}
 \newcommand{\myrowindex}[1]{\ifnum#1=5 T\else #1\fi}
 \matrix[auto matrix=z,xshift=3em,yshift=3em](matz){
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
 \matrix[auto matrix=y,xshift=1.5em,yshift=1.5em](maty){
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
 \matrix[auto matrix=x](matx){
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
 \draw[thick,-stealth] ([xshift=1ex]matx.south east) -- ([xshift=1ex]matz.south east)
  node[midway,below] {$D$};
 \draw[thick,-stealth] ([yshift=-1ex]matx.south west) -- 
  ([yshift=-1ex]matx.south east) node[midway,below] {joints};
 \draw[thick,-stealth] ([xshift=-1ex]matx.north west)
   -- ([xshift=-1ex]matx.south west) node[midway,above,rotate=90] {time};