[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a B+ tree in latex


Is there some way to draw a B+ tree in latex? It would look something like the picture below (ignoring the animations)

Animation linked here: http://i.stack.imgur.com/JRcmY.gif

Screenshot of the start of the animation:

Screenshot of a B+ tree

Best Answer

I would do this in TikZ. Section 18.1 of the version 2.10 manual shows how to make trees. The nodes on the trees are a little nonstandard, but perhaps section 16.3 on multi-part nodes would be helpful.

Here's a quick mockup:

\tikzstyle{bplus}=[rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal,rectangle split ignore empty parts,draw]
\tikzstyle{every node}=[bplus]
\tikzstyle{level 1}=[sibling distance=60mm]
\tikzstyle{level 2}=[sibling distance=15mm]
\node {15} [->]
  child {node {3 \nodepart{two} 7}
    child {node {1 \nodepart{two} 2}}
    child {node {4 \nodepart{two} 6}}
    child {node {8 \nodepart{two} 9}}    
  child {node {21 \nodepart{two} 28 \nodepart{three} 32 \nodepart{four} 50}
    child {node {17 \nodepart{two} 20}}
    child {node {22 \nodepart{two} 25}}
    child {node {28 \nodepart{two} 30}}    
    child[sibling distance=25mm] {node {34 \nodepart{two} 38 \nodepart{three} 44 \nodepart{four} 47}}    
    child[sibling distance=25mm] {node {53 \nodepart{two} 54 \nodepart{three} 60 \nodepart{four} 88}}    


sample code output

It's going to be more work to get the vertical lines doubled like in your example. The code for the rectangle split shape may need to be altered.