[Tex/LaTex] How to create a variant of the snugshade box from the framed package to wrap the definition environments in a blue box


I'm already using snugshade to wrap my theorem environments in a grey box, but I'd like to have another bounding box just like snugshade to wrap my definitions in a blue box instead.

Here is my code:


    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
    \usepackage{enumitem}       % customizable list environments

    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.

    \definecolor{shadecolor}{RGB}{236,236,236} %defines color of snugshade box
      \markboth{}{\thesection.\ #1}}



    Let $A\subseteq\mathbb{R}$ and let $f:A\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$, we
    say that $f$ is \textbf{continuous }on $A$, if given $\varepsilon>0$
    and $u\in A$, there exists a $\delta_{\varepsilon,u}>0$, perhaps
    depending on $u$, such that 
    \left|f\left(x\right)-f\left(u\right)\right|<\varepsilon\quad\text{whenever }x\in A\text{ and }\left|x-u\right|<\delta_{\varepsilon,u}
     Essentially to say that a function $f$ is continuous on $A$ is
    to say that $f$ is continuous at every point $u\in A$.\end{defn}

    More text\end{thm}

Best Answer

I would recommend you use the mdframed package instead, as that allows for page breaks and much more customization.

However, you can simply redefine shadecolor. have defined a custom Snugshade environment that allows you to specify the color


If not specified, it defaults to the gray you were using:

enter image description here



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
\usepackage{enumitem}       % customizable list environments

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.

\definecolor{shadecolor}{RGB}{236,236,236} %defines color of snugshade box
  \markboth{}{\thesection.\ #1}}




Let $A\subseteq\mathbb{R}$ and let $f:A\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$, we
say that $f$ is \textbf{continuous }on $A$, if given $\varepsilon>0$
and $u\in A$, there exists a $\delta_{\varepsilon,u}>0$, perhaps
depending on $u$, such that 
\left|f\left(x\right)-f\left(u\right)\right|<\varepsilon\quad\text{whenever }x\in A\text{ and }\left|x-u\right|<\delta_{\varepsilon,u}
 Essentially to say that a function $f$ is continuous on $A$ is
to say that $f$ is continuous at every point $u\in A$.\end{defn}

More text\end{thm}

    More text inside default Snugshade with option 106,176,226.

More text inside default Snugshade