[Tex/LaTex] How to create a table with long text and which packages use


Please, Help me inserting a table like this. I could not prepare this table easily because the long text i have to insert into the columns. I have been trying from some examples of stackechange but have not been successful. Perhaps the amount of text that includes the table. I am facing difficulties with merging the rows and columns. I am in an urgent need. Please Help !

Should I use all those packages?
What and how each package is used?


This is the example i wanna get

enter image description here

\caption{``“Utilidad y Derivación de las Emociones Primarias (Riso, W., 2008)''}
\begin{tabu}{|[2pt]} >{\centering}p{3cm} | [2pt] >{\centering}p{3cm}
&{Emociones primarias} & {Derivación de las emociones primarias}\\ \tabucline[2pt]{-}
\multirow{6}{*}{\parbox{3 cm}{\textbf{Dolor}} & \multirow{6}{*}{\parbox{3 cm}{textbf{Sufrimiento}}\\
& Avisa cuando un órgano físico está funcionando mal o está siendo agredido, para que sea reparado o defendido. & Indica que hay una estructura mental afectada o un apego irracional que debe ser trabajado.\\
&\textbf{Miedo} & \textbf{Miedo psicológico}\\
& Protege ante un peligro real.& Indica que se ha dejado de actuar. La parálisis es sostenida por ideas irracionales.


Best Answer


Here is a way to use a simple tabular with the enhancements offered by booktabs. Trying to learn multiple packages to do similar things all at once before you understand the basics is, I think, a recipe for confusion and frustration.

    \centering% This is an environment - we probably don't want the extra spacing of center in addition to that added by table etc.
    \caption{``Utilidad y Derivación de las Emociones Primarias (Riso, W., 2008)''}

    \begin{tabular}{*{2}{p{.425\linewidth}}}% The target layout does not centre the text so we don't want \centering
      \toprule% nicer rules courtesy of booktabs - but then we need to drop the verticals 
      Emociones primarias &  Derivación de las emociones primarias \\\midrule% Note that there is no & before the first column - & only comes between columns so if you define n columns, you can have at most n-1 & symbols in any row
      \textbf{Dolor} & \textbf{Sufrimiento}\\% No need for 6 rows of space for each title!
      Avisa cuando un órgano físico está funcionando mal o está siendo agredido, para que sea reparado o defendido. & Indica que hay una estructura mental afectada o un apego irracional que debe ser trabajado.\\\midrule% the p{} setting automatically lets these be multi-line - we don't want multiple rows on top of that and this is simpler as TeX does the hard work for us
      \textbf{Miedo} & \textbf{Miedo psicológico}\\
      Protege ante un peligro real.& Indica que se ha dejado de actuar. La parálisis es sostenida por ideas irracionales.\\
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