[Tex/LaTex] How to copy a specific chapter page design


I am trying to write notes on a subject and I want to view them also in book format. The sample of a book, which I saw impressive for reading is the following one. How to make such format of book including style of font and also type of titles of chapter, titles of sections etc. The Springer publishing company has produced lot of books of this format for undergraduates and I have seen such books impressive in their writing style.

The very basic step to write book is appeared as question earlier, it says to start with


but I am interested in its form also.

Thanks in advance!.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Here is an attempt at recreating the chapters. There are several things which might break:

  • two-digit chapter numbers will be too wide
  • long chapter titles will mess up the vertical alignment

From here it isn't that difficult to change the section numbers. I'll leave this task to the OP or anyone else who'd like to comment …

Here is the code so far:



   \tikz[baseline]\draw[line width=3pt,dotted,line cap=round,dash pattern=on 0pt off 3\pgflinewidth, gray50](0,-1.2)--(0,1.8);%

% \titleformat{〈command〉}[〈shape〉]{〈format〉}{〈label〉}{〈sep〉}{〈before-code〉}[〈after-code〉]

    {\chapter}% command
    [hang]% shape
    {\Huge\bfseries}% format
    }% label
    {10mm}% sep
    {}% before-code
    []% after-code

\chapter{Second Chapter}

This is the output:

first chapter

second chapter