[Tex/LaTex] How to configure Table of contents itself

fancyhdrtable of contents

The aim is to manually configure the page(s) the TOC itself.
The font size of TOC name.
Also I need to configure pagestyle of this(these) page(s)

The components by using \titlecontents I've already did.
The next code in .cls doesnt't works

\renewcommand\tableofcontents{\newpage \fontsize{16}{16}

Similar declaration for chapters works perfectly

                    \global\@topnum 0 %

Best Answer

You can use the tocloft package to easily do this; redefining \cfttoctitlefont you can change the font attributes for the title, and using \tocloftpagestyle{<style>} you select the page style. A simple example with some settings just for the example:





\section{test section}
