[Tex/LaTex] Roman page numbers before table of contents which also appear in it

koma-scriptpage-numberingtable of contents

I guess I have a kinda specific questions. I'm writing my bachelor report using LaTeX using the scrreport class, and I want the pages before the first chapter to have roman page numbers. Beginning with the first page after the list of figures (which is the last page before the first chapter), I want to have arabic page numbers. Those should start with 1.

My structure is like this (the numbers are the page numbering I want):

Abstract I

Table of contents II

List of figures III

  1. Chapter One 1

  2. Chapter Two 8

That's also how I want the Table of Contents (TOC) to look like.

Currently I added \pagenumbering{roman} and \pagenumbering{arabic}. This solved the part of having the pages numbered right, but there are a few problems:

  1. I don't want the abstract to be the first chapter, so I declared it with \chapter*{abstract}. This way it does not show up in the table of contents. Also Chapter one starts with page two in the table of contents, despite it having page one at the bottom. If I remove the * from the abtract-chapter-declaration, it shows up in the TOC, but it's handled like the first chapter which I do not like.
  2. TOC and List of Figures (LOF) also do not show up in the TOC. Can I somehow add them? I guess they do not show up because they are not declared in chapters but simply with the commands \tableofcontents and \listoffigures.


Hey guys, thanks for the fast responses and comments! I did some more digging and found out how to solve my problems. I added the three parts missing in the TOC (the TOC itself, the list of figures and the abstract-chapter) manually, using \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Abstract} at the end of the abstract-chapter and


instead of plain \tableofcontents (same for list of figures) It also somehow fixed the problem of Chapter One starting with page 2 despite being on page 1. I have no idea what fixed it, maybe the use of \cleardoublepage?

Best Answer

Use \addchap{Abstract} to get an unnumbered chapter with an entry in TOC.

  listof=totoc% lists in TOC
\setuptoc{toc}{totoc}% TOC in TOC
\usepackage{blindtext}% dummy text

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