[Tex/LaTex] How to change font to Calligra


I wish to have a result as in this link for my entire paper (including title)

I followed the instruction to add the following code


but nothing happened… any suggestions? Thank you!

I use document class

\documentclass[english, 9pt,reqno]{amsart}

Best Answer

You have to issue \calligra in order to use the font, otherwise the reigning font will prevail.

However, under amsart there are a number of issues of \normalfont for adjusting sectional and title headings - it's customary to "clear all font-related changes using \normalfont whenever you want to set "something special". So, you could change \normalfont to be \calligra:

enter image description here




\title{A title}
\author{An author}



\section{A section}


You'll note though that a number of font-related warnings are issued with the above usage, as \normalfont (now \calligra) doesn't have an \scshape (used in \sections) nor \bfseries (used in \title).