[Tex/LaTex] How to avoid a blank page when using \chapter*{}


So when using \chapter*{} this introduces a blank page before the next \chapter*{} I'm guessing it is because I am using a book format, tried putting it into a new group and clearing double page but this just messes up the whole format.

Is there a way of telling Latex not to include this page.

I include the code of this part of my document in particular:

Text Here
\section*{Palabras Clave}
a, b, c, d, e
Text Here
\section*{Key words}
a, b, c, d, e

Thank you in advance

Best Answer

If all chapters should be opened on any page, use the openany option (as has been recommended by @alwin already. If only particular chapters should open left, it's possible to switch off the openright feature by saying \makeatletter\@openrightfalse\makeatother. Don't forget to restore afterwards.

Some explanation by the definition of the \chapter command (taken from book.cls.


As can be seen, each \chapter (regardless whether \chapter or \chapter* is used) uses the same starter code, i.e. it tests whether \if@openright expands to true and does a \cleardoublepage, so it will start on the next odd page. If \if@openright is false, it will use \clearpage and the chapter starts on the next page, (even or odd).

Note I don't recommend various opening styles throughout a document.








\chapter{Foobar again}



enter image description here