[Tex/LaTex] Chapterstyle Memoir: Picture on page left, chapter opening on page right


I am working on the layout of my dissertation and I would like to have the following design for all my chapter-openings:

  • New chapters should always start on the left page, with a picturepage that contains only an illustration that spreads over the whole left page. Thus, there is no text on this page, only a large illustration. This whole page illustration is different for each chapter.
  • On the page to the right of the picturepage (i.e., the next page), the normal chapter opening page with title, chapternumer, etc., should be.

I have been trying a lot to achieve this, but I do not seem to get the picturepage on the page preceding the normal chapter opening. E.g., I tried to set the documentclass to openleft, but I did not succeed to include a picture on the left, and the chapteropening to the right. In the minimal example below, I have tried to use the \part as picturepage (let \part start on the left page, put picture on it, then let \chapter start on the right page). However, the picture does not display on the part page, but on the next page.

Sorry if the latex code is not so neat, I just started to learn it.

Thank you very much in advance.

Minimal example:



\geometry{paperwidth=17cm, paperheight=24cm}

% To delete white page after part and put the picture on the part page

\AddToShipoutPictureBG*{% Add picture to current page
  \AtStockLowerLeft{% Add picture to lower-left corner of paper stock
\chapter{Title ch1}%

\AddToShipoutPictureBG*{% Add picture to current page
  \AtStockLowerLeft{% Add picture to lower-left corner of paper stock

\chapter{Title ch2}%


Best Answer

I don't think you need to mess with shipout here, you just need to get on to an even page (for which memoir seems to have a command) add the picture then start a new page and do your chapter head.

You may need to fiddle with the cordinates a bit: I added [demo] so the example works without the images.

Note that if you specify both height and width and don't specify keepaspectratio then LaTeX will distort the image. I left it as you had it, but you probably should only specify one of those.



\geometry{paperwidth=17cm, paperheight=24cm}



\chapimage{testimage}% don't use extension
\chapter{Title ch1}%

\chapter{Title ch2}%
