[Tex/LaTex] How to automatically mark local extrema with pgfplots and scatter


I am trying to have TikZ automatically mark a local maximum in a fourth-degree polynomial I built using a curve-fitting tool. I am new to LaTeX and TikZ, and am a bit overwhelmed – there seem to be a dozen ways of accomplishing this.

The code Jake provided in his answer to this question does not seem to work for me; it works for the functions in the example, but not for mine.

Here is my minimal working example:


    /tikz/max node/.style={
    /tikz/min node/.style={
    mark min/.style={
        point meta rel=per plot,
        visualization depends on={x \as \xvalue},
        scatter/@pre marker code/.code={%
            \ifdim\pgfplotspointmetatransformed pt=0pt
                \node [min node] {
            \expandafter\scope\expandafter[\markopts,every node near coord/.style=green]
        scatter/@post marker code/.code={%
    mark max/.style={
        point meta rel=per plot,
        visualization depends on={x \as \xvalue},
        scatter/@pre marker code/.code={%
            \ifdim\pgfplotspointmetatransformed pt>1000pt
                \node [max node] {
        scatter/@post marker code/.code={%


    axis lines*=middle
    \addplot +[mark max] plot {0.001826*x^4-0.02873*x^3+0.1066*x^2+0.03454*x+0.003613};

    axis lines*=middle
    \addplot +[mark min] plot {0.001826*x^4-0.02873*x^3+0.1066*x^2+0.03454*x+0.003613};

    \addplot +[mark max] plot {0.001826*x^4-0.02873*x^3+0.1066*x^2+0.03454*x+0.003613};

    \addplot +[mark min] plot {0.001826*x^4-0.02873*x^3+0.1066*x^2+0.03454*x+0.003613};


This results in the following plots:

enter image description here

The first plot is the one I want to highlight a maximum for. The second plot shows that it works for the minimum; the third plot is without a domain set — you can see that it doesn't find a maximum there, either, although again it works for the minimum.

Now, while I was setting up the example, I tweaked some values.

If I change the threshold to 500 pt:


    /tikz/max node/.style={
    /tikz/min node/.style={
    mark min/.style={
        point meta rel=per plot,
        visualization depends on={x \as \xvalue},
        scatter/@pre marker code/.code={%
            \ifdim\pgfplotspointmetatransformed pt=0pt
                \node [min node] {
            \expandafter\scope\expandafter[\markopts,every node near coord/.style=green]
        scatter/@post marker code/.code={%
    mark max/.style={
        point meta rel=per plot,
        visualization depends on={x \as \xvalue},
        scatter/@pre marker code/.code={%
%            \ifdim\pgfplotspointmetatransformed pt>1000pt
            \ifdim\pgfplotspointmetatransformed pt>500pt
                \node [max node] {
        scatter/@post marker code/.code={%


    axis lines*=middle
    \addplot +[mark max] plot {0.001826*x^4-0.02873*x^3+0.1066*x^2+0.03454*x+0.003613};


then I get:

threshold 500pt

(I would be interested in knowing why this happens.)

A bit of further playing around reveals that setting it to 999pt gives the desired result:

threshold 999pt

I have to admit at this point that I don't understand the code, and have no idea if this solution is the right one or whether it will give consistent results. Perhaps someone could explain what is happening? I don't understand what the "meta value" is supposed to mean here, or even what scatter does.

How would one draw a highlighted vertical line from the horizontal axis to the maximum using this method?

Best Answer

There are some numerical inaccuracies involved here: The range of \pgfplotspointmetatransformed should be from 0 to 1000, where 0 is the point with the lowest meta value (by default, the meta value is the same as the y coordinate), and 1000 is the maximum value. However, it seems that the maximum value is sometimes something along the lines of 999.9876 or 1000.0422.

I took another look at the code, and found that there's actually a better way to determine the extreme values: They're already stored in the macros \pgfplots@metamin and \pgfplots@metamax. So we can simply use \ifx\pgfplots@metamax\pgfplotspointmeta to check whether we have the maximum value.

To be able to use the maximum to draw a vertical line, we can place a \coordinate node. This can only be accessed after the axis is finished, so you'll need to put your drawing command into the after end axis/.code={...} option. Setting

after end axis/.code={
        \draw [thick, dashed, gray] (maximum) --({axis cs:0,0}-|maximum);

will draw a vertical line from the maximum to the 0 line. For boxed plots, you should use rel axis cs:0,0 instead of axis cs:0,0, so the line goes all the way to the edge of the plot area.

    /tikz/max node/.style={
    /tikz/min node/.style={
    mark min/.style={
        point meta rel=per plot,
        visualization depends on={x \as \xvalue},
        scatter/@pre marker code/.code={%
                \coordinate (minimum);
                \node [min node] {
            \expandafter\scope\expandafter[\markopts,every node near coord/.style=green]
        scatter/@post marker code/.code={%
    mark max/.style={
        point meta rel=per plot,
        visualization depends on={x \as \xvalue},
        scatter/@pre marker code/.code={%
            \coordinate (maximum);
            \node [max node] {
        scatter/@post marker code/.code={%


    axis lines*=middle,after end axis/.code={
        \draw [thick, dashed, gray] (maximum) --({axis cs:0,0}-|maximum);
    \addplot +[mark max] plot {0.001826*x^4-0.02873*x^3+0.1066*x^2+0.03454*x+0.003613};

    axis lines*=middle
    \addplot +[mark min] plot {0.001826*x^4-0.02873*x^3+0.1066*x^2+0.03454*x+0.003613};

        after end axis/.code={
            \draw [thick, dashed, gray] (maximum) --({rel axis cs:0,0}-|maximum);
    \addplot +[mark max] plot {0.001826*x^4-0.02873*x^3+0.1066*x^2+0.03454*x+0.003613};

    \addplot +[mark min] plot {0.001826*x^4-0.02873*x^3+0.1066*x^2+0.03454*x+0.003613};
